Team Tia and Andy have set out to become Team Lean.
Our goal: lose 100 pounds by next summer. That breaks down to about 70 pounds for Andy and 30 for Tia.
Why? Because we are too fat to race in our current state. We feel pudgy and unhealthy. We are tired of whining about our clothes feeling tight, and Tia refuses to buy new "fat clothes". We both like to go fast on our bikes, and we feel like slugs on them right now.
Doesn't that sound like a lot? Yes, but we've both done it before, no reason we can't do it again (and make it stick this time). Andy topped out after college at 425 pounds. Tia at 215. (Can you believe that?!) Being fat sucks, and we're not going there again!
How did this happen? Wedding planning is stressful. We both try to eat (and drink) our stress away. and we've been too busy to ride our bikes much the last couple of months. That all compounds to FAT!
How will we accomplish our goal? lots of hard work and determination is the short answer.
Next 2 Weeks Goals:
1. Institute bedtime.
1a. The alarm clock in the living room will go off at 10pm indicating that it's time to get showered and start unwinding. We really need to get in regular, good sleep every night.
2. Start eating at consistent times each day.
3. Get in the habit of going to the gym twice a week. Start weight exercises w/out any real weight
3a. Andy is working on getting his gym membership switched to they Y so we can workout together.
4. Dust off the bike, pump up the tires, and starting getting some regular exercise.
4a. Just regular human being exercise at this point will be an improvement. Don't need to have a mindset of "training" or even "working out", just some good exercise is an improvement at this point.
5. Increase veggie consumption.
5a. The more veggies we eat, the less junk we tend to eat.